First and foremost, Judaism is an incestuous religion. It is not a race. Being a jew means believing in the Torah and all of its implications.

Atheist who consider themselves to be jewish, are part of the Moronicus Supremus species in the Idiocy Spectrum.

Thirty two percent of younger jews (born after 1980) consider themselves atheist even if they refer to themselves as being jewish. They claim that being jewish is from ancestry and culture. They may

  • participate in the Passover seder,
  • fast for Yom Kippur,
  • eat kosher food, and
  • occasionally visit a temple.
All of these activities are religious activities, not cultural.

The most prominent practice of these secular jewish idiots is to the remember the Holocaust or HoloHoax and what allegedly happened at Auschwitz . In other words, they still cling to this concept that every kike is a victim, but instead of being enslaved by the Egyptians, they were killed by the Germans.

These secular jewish idiots are hypocritical jewish morons who are keeping their toes in the water just in case The Rapture occurs.

If you claim to be an atheist, you cannot claim to be jewish. Is an atheist catholic that receives communion still atheist or catholic? Is an atheist member of the Taliban a muslim or an atheist?

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