"But putting aside the virile hate directed against those who question the veracity of the typical Holocaust narrative, what is it that these people believe and say at the risk of imprisonment and bodily harm? For most Holocaust revisionists, or deniers if you prefer, their arguments boil down to these three simple contentions:

  1. Hitler's "Final Solution" was intended to be ethnic cleansing, not extermination.
  2. There were no homicidal gas chambers used by the Third Reich.
  3. There were far fewer than 6 million Jews killed of the alleged 55 million who died in WWII.

Are these revisionist contentions so odious as to cause those who believe them to be reviled, beaten, and imprisoned? More importantly, is it possible that revisionist contentions are true, or even partially true and that they are despised because they contradict the story of the Holocaust, a story which has been elevated to the level of a religion in hundreds of films, memorials, museums, and docu-dramas?"

Prof. Daniel McGowin

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