Religious Quotes of Note

Any religion that denies the value and humanity of others is an extremist religion.

Any religion that demands earthly vengeance and retribution for any reason is not a religion at all but a mental illness.

Every religious thought, every sacred text, every holy scripture and every divine revelation initallity derives from a false assertion that there exists a god. Show me one single scrawny god.
Harold J. Wolfe
It's an incredible con job when you think about it, to believe something now in exchange for something after death.  Even corporations with their reward systems don't try to make it posthumous.
Gloria Steinem

Idiot, n.
A member of a large and powerful tribe whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling

God made me such that I cannot believe.  Who are you to question God's wisdom?

The people who are regarded as moral luminaries are those who forego ordinary pleasures themselves and find compensation in interfering with the pleasures of others.
Bertrand Russell

We have, in fact, two kinds of morality side by side; one which we preach but do not practise, and another which we practise but seldom preach.
Bertrand Russell

Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day.
Bertrand Russell

It is obvious that "obscenity" is not a term capable of exact legal definition; in the practice of the Courts, it means "anything that shocks the magistrate."
Bertrand Russell

It is clear that thought is not free if the profession of certain opinions makes it impossible to earn a living.
Bertrand Russell

You find as you look around the world that every single bit of progress of humane feeling, every improvement in the criminal law, every step toward the diminution of war, every step toward better treatment of the colored races, or even mitigation of slavery, every moral progress that there has been in the world, has been consistently opposed by the organized churches of the world. I say quite deliberately that the Christian religion, as organized in its churches, has been and still is the principal enemy of moral progress in the world.
Bertrand Russell

Your intelligence is measured by those around you; if you spend your days with idiots, you seal your own fate.

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?
George Deacon

Faith is a belief in the absence of evidence, and is hereditary.

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.
Christopher Hitchens

Man is certainly stark mad: he cannot make a worm, yet he will make gods by the dozen.
Michel de Montaigne

Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
Denis Diderot

All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few.

The absence of evidence does not imply the evidence of absence.

The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr.
Prophet Muhammad

Humanity without religion is like a serial killer without a chainsaw.

A society without religion is like a crazed psychopath without a .45.

Could a being create the fifty billion galaxies, each with two hundred billion stars, then rejoice in the smell of burning goat flesh?
Ron Patterson

Ho! Ho! Ho! Religion must go.
George Carlin

You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.
Blaise Pascal

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
Philip K. Dick

Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to.  If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent.  If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked.  If, as they say, God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?

Isn't killing people in the name of God a pretty good definition of insanity?
Arthur C. Clarke

How many omnipotent, omniscient, immortal and omnipresent Gods have died throughtout the history of our species. Where lies the graveyard of past Gods. Who tends to their mounds?

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
Blaise Pascal

To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.
Thomas Paine

We stand firm upon the bare proposition that God has spoken authoritatively and inerrantly in the pages of the Holy Scripture.

I do not fear my death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slighest inconvenience from it."
Mark Twain

If God created the Universe, why is evidence of this creation so scant. He might have left Maxwell's equations in Egyptian hieroglyphs.  The Ten Commandments might have been engraved on the moon.  A hundred-kilometer crucifix could have been placed in Earth orbit.  Why can't God spell out my name in the starfields?  Why should God be so clear in the Bible and so obscure in the world of reality?

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.
Seneca the Younger

The church says the earth is flat, but I know that it is round, for I have seen the shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in a shadow than in the church.
Ferdinand Magellan

Not only is there no god, but try getting a plumber on weekends.
Woody Allen

Lighthouses are more helpful then churches.
Benjamin Franklin

Everybody can be considered an atheist in the sense that they reject every God except their own God. The true atheist merely rejects one more God.
Richard Dawkins

Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue into eternity.
Thomas Paine

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

Philosophy is questions that may never be answered. Religion is answers that may never be questioned.

Christianity: The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father, can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

To infer that you have greater morality because you believe in God and read the Bible is like an infering that you are more loving because you read Mein Kempt.
Harold J. Wolfe, 2008

The evolution of the brain not only overshot the needs of prehistoric man, it is the only example of evolution providing a species with an organ which it does not know how to use
Arthur Koestler (1905 - 1983) British columnist

If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel.  It is normal; we have taken their country.  It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them?  Our God is not theirs.  There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault?  They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country.  Why would they accept that?
David Ben Gurion

A preoccupation with the next world clearly shows an inability to cope credibly with this one.
Richard K. Morgan

Those who believe absurdities will commit atrocities.

The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike.
Delos B. McKown

Christ died for our sins. Dare we make his martyrdom meaningless by not committing them?"
Jules Feiffer

To the philosophic eye, the vices of the clergy are far less dangerous than their virtues.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

Flying planes into a building was a faith-based initiative.
Bill Maher

A church is a place in which gentlemen who have never been to heaven brag about it to persons who will never get there.
H. L. Mencken

Religion is the art of sugar coating a turd and selling it to you as a doughnut.
Pat Condell

Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense.
Chapman Cohen

"Atheist" is a compliment. It is indicative of a person's intelligence that he or she has worked through the conditioning we're all subjected to every day, the brainwashing that compels us to believe, without a single shred of evidence, that there's a heavenly host of characters in the sky (gods, virgins, angels, our dead relatives, and who knows who else) guiding human events on Earth. That they can be implored to act on our behalf and help us get jobs, win the lottery, marry someone we have the hots for, etc.

An agnostic is an atheist still hedging his bets.
An agnostic is an atheist without balls.

Dietary restrictions were not an individual choice, they instead
were canonized to protect the whole village, society, etc from the
things that were unknown but observable.

It ain't so much the things we don't know that get us in trouble. It's
the things we know that ain't so.

The absence of evidence does not imply the evidence of absence.

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

The vices of the Catholic church do less harm than their virtues.

I fail to see how your idea would help to maximize donations to the
church. Could you walk me through the finances of that?

With talk like that, you're definitely going to get put on the 
"Burn at the stake" list.
I prefer hanging, but to each his own I guess.

The dominant oppressive god in MY country is less sadistic than the dominant
oppressive god in YOUR country.

My god's dick is bigger than your god's dick.

A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum

Self evident Biblical Truth

extreme psychotic megalomaniac paranoia

The fact that you and I could improve the Bible with very little thought,
just by taking out the worst passages that have no possible redeemable
content... is a problem for the idea that it was written by an
omniscient being and not to be superseded by any human effort."

No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says:
He is always convinced that it says what he means.

The first time the Deity came down to earth,
he brought life and death; when he came the
second time, he brought hell.

The essence of Christianity:
God fathered himself and sent himself to sacrifice
himself to himself to save us from himself.

God has been officially diagnosed with Dissociative identity disorder

You have to presuppose God's existence before accepting his existence!

We are each entitled to our own opinion, but no one is entitled to 
his own facts. -

primeval religious fruitcakes

A religious lunatic of the highest order.

Who can resist lobsters, shrimps, crabs, clams, pork chops and
hot fresh bacon strips?

The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character
in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving
control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; 
a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal,
filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, 
capriciously malevolent bully."
-- Richard Dawkins

Only in religion does LGBTQ (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer)
even matter.

What if God had told Abraham to suck his sons dick instead of chopping his
head off? You may think that is a sick question but I say the god that asks
you to kill your son is a much worse monster than the one who tells you to
suck your sons dick.

Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in 
the occurence of the improbable. - H. L. Mencken
the occurence of the highly improbable.
the occurence of the impossible.

Christianity is a confederation of cults.  Some large, some small.

Religions are just cults that have withstood the test of time.

Holy water's cleansing properties may be overstated

If you believe in absurdities you can commit atrocities

You should not go into religion, as there's nothing of value to look at.
I grew up in the bondage of religion and escaped two decades ago.
Religious people live in an alternate reality where their understanding of
existence makes no sense in our objective reality.

When is the Bible accurate?   When it's thrown from a short distance.

The bible isn't a best selling book so much as a best selling house ornament.

On God inseminating Mary at age 14.
If you get to drown almost everybody on the planet why wouldn't you be
allowed to rape somebody from time to time?

Then again, rape is usually defined as penetration without consent. I'm
not sure the laws are set up to handle someone spontaneously spawning
holy jizz in your fallopian tubes

Of course, the Immaculate Conception (of Mary) clearly indicates a plan
to rape her.  God waited patiently for 14 years to rape her.

The sex drive is one of the basic components of all living things.
It's basic to life. It's sad to deliberately deprive oneself of 
something so biologically central to your being.

Of course you can have an opinion about Islam without having read Quran.
You don't have to read Mein Kampf to have an opinion about nazism.

The time to believe there's a divine creator is when there's credible 
evidence for it -- not a nanosecond before.

intimidating preachers and fire breathing bible bangers screaming at
you to repent
bunch of uneducated redneck evangelical protestant preachers?

We deserve it because we are inherently filthy and sinful creatures
(because god made us that way). We are so lucky to have a God that is
merciful and gracious enough to save us from hell (the hell that he
created and willfully sends people to).

I get tremendous satisfaction that I am offending religious people
using their own book

He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall
not enter into the congregation of the Lord. (Deuteronomy 23:1)

You can't desecrate what's not sacred.

Every religion has for its foundation a miracle - that is to say, a
violation of nature - that is to say, a falsehood.

sha-man (noun): a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the
world of good and evil spirits, especially among some peoples of northern Asia
and North America. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual,
and practice divination and healing.

The profession of shaman has many advantages. It offers high status with
a safe livelihood free of work in the dreary, sweaty sense. In most societies
it offers legal privileges and immunities not granted to other men. 
But it is hard to see how a man who has been given a mandate from on
High to spread tidings of joy to all mankind can be seriously interested
in taking up a collection to pay his salary; it causes one to suspect
that the shaman is on the moral level of any other con man. But it is
a lovely work if you can stomach it.
-- Robert A. Heinlein

Living a Lie: We Deceive Ourselves to Better Deceive Others

Gods are manifestations of human desires, fears, insecurities and ignorance.
You can lead a theist to facts, but you can't make them think.

If you accept the possibility of supernatural events then the impossible is 
possible and nonsense makes sense.

Noah's Ark:  Because the largest and most thorough act of genocide in
fictional history makes a great children's story.

God works in mysterious, ineffective and breathtakingly cruel ways.

If a believer demands that I as a non-believer observe his taboos in the
public domain, he is not asking for my respect, but for my submission.

What is wrong with inciting intense dislike of a religion if the activities or
teachings of that religion are so outrageous, irrational or abusive of 
human rights that they deserve to be intensely disliked.
The notion that people walk around with the bible that demands the death
of millions is absurd.

Exodus 20:8, Exodus 31:15 Kill those of work on the sabbath 
             (fourth commandment)
Psalm 19:7 The law of the lord is perfect.

First Commandment: Thou shall have no other gods before me.
Deuteronomy 17:2-5: stone atheists
Deuteronomy 13:13-19 destroy non-believing towns
Leviticus 24:16 blasphemy

A child with an invisible friend has an active imagination. 
An adult with an invisible friend has religion.

The gods that we've made are exactly the kind of gods you would expect to
be made from a species that's about half a chromosome away from being
a chimpanzee -- Christopher Hitchens

Flat Earthers: because apparently religion is not enough bullshit on its own.

Propitiation is the act of appeasing or making well-disposed a deity,
thus incurring divine favor or avoiding divine retribution. While some
use the term interchangeably with expiation, others draw a sharp
distinction between the two


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