Lets chew on some of these points about cremations.....finishing up reading the book Dissecting The Holocaust

According to a November 27, 1986, report of the New Delhi Schenectady Gazette, cremations and the consumption of wood involved therein (due to the lack of corpses that will burn by themselves) are a serious concern for the inhabitants of India, since entire forests have been cut down over time for just this purpose. According to this report, the daily incineration of 21,000 bodies requires 6,433 metric tons of wood, i.e., 675 lbs. per body. In applying these conditions to Treblinka, we shall simplify the matter somewhat by ignoring the problems involved in the prior exhumation of the bodies; let it suffice to consider only one unreality, namely the incineration of the bodies. To forestall objections of any kind, we shall reduce the consumption of wood for mass cremations from 675 lbs. to 440 lbs. per body.110 From various eyewitness accounts it follows that the cremation process lasted until early August, a total of about 185 days. This means that a minimum of 4,700 bodies had to be cremated every day, requiring 950 metric tons of dry wood daily. The engineering handbook Hütte indicates a volume of 74.15 cu.ft. per metric ton for spruce wood,111 and of 109.5 cu.ft. per metric ton for spruce wood fire logs.112 This means that the volume of the wood needed in Treblinka daily for incinerating the corpses would have been about 104,000 cu.ft. This volume is perhaps easier to grasp when visualized as a stack 3 ft. high, 3 ft. wide and about 1.75 miles long. Every day! The cremation gratings, described by Warszawski as measuring 13 ft. × 33 ft. and with 1.5 ft. elevation above the ground, had a spatial volume of approximately 650 cu.ft. underneath the grating. To ensure that the firewood would receive enough draft (oxygen), a maximum of 530 cu.ft. could have been placed underneath. This quantity corresponds to a net weight of 10,600 lbs. and would have sufficed for cremating 24 (twenty-four!) bodies. If one assumes that, in this case, the complete incineration of the bodies took only 2 hours (which, however, is far too short to be realistic), then even cremating ‘round-the-clock’ would have disposed of 288 bodies at most.

The high piling-up of bodies on the grating, as it is described by witnesses, would have brought nothing but disadvantages, if only due to the inhibited access granted the flames. But if 4,700 bodies had to be burned every day, this would have required more than 16 gratings as described above, with a total surface area of 6,890 sq.ft. Stoking the cremation sites with wood, and removing the ashes and skeletons, are elements which have been ignored to date. Given the heat of the fire under the gratings and the stench of the burning bodies, it would have been impossible to perform these necessary tasks while the fire was burning. It is thus safe to say that continuous cremation in the manner described, and using the burning sites described by the witnesses, would not have been possible. Burning the 4,700 bodies would have required at least twice the number of gratings. With reference to the number of bodies to be incinerated, we still need to examine the source, processing and transportation of the needed quantities of firewood. The total cremation process in Treblinka would have required 430 million pounds, or 195,000 metric tons, of air-dried (seasoned) wood. Due to the short notice and brief time that Himmler allegedly allotted for this process, such a large quantity of air-dried wood would certainly have been impossible to get, which is why only fresh (“green”) wood of lower calorific value would have been available. The calorific value of seasoned wood is 3,600 kcal/kg, whereas that of green wood is only 2,000 kcal/kg.113 Therefore the total required quantity of wood would have increased to 351,000 metric tons, and the daily requirement of green wood was thus approximately 1,900 metric tons.

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
If a woodchuck could chuck wood

Assuming medium-sized trees of 1 cord volume and 1,500 lbs., the total number of trees needed comes to roughly 515,000. There were two options for obtaining the required quantity of wood: either there was a large forested area near the camp where the demand for firewood could be met, and whence the wood would then be transported to the camp with suitable vehicles, or the wood had to be brought in from other areas by rail. Let us suppose for the moment that the wood supply was nearby. Assuming that a 15-ton truck can make 3 runs daily, allowing for loading and unloading of the truck, then 126 trips would need to be made daily, using some 42 trucks. None of the eyewitness statements indicate the presence of such a fleet of trucks. The same goes for the labor force required for the daily felling, limbing, sawing and splitting as well as loading and unloading of 2,800 trees. If, given the primitive conditions that prevailed, we assume that two man could have processed - that is, felled, limbed, sawed and split - one tree per day (an utter illusion), then the lumberjacks would clearly have had to number at least 5,600. To give an idea of how large a forest would need to be in order to supply such vast quantities of wood, let us assume a yield of 325 cord per acre, which for 515,000 trees would require a forest of 1,590 acres, or just short of 2.5 square miles. To put it more graphically, such a forest would have been 2.5 miles long and 1 mile wide. Is it really conceivable that the witnesses and the local residents could have failed to notice such a large deforested area? The site would still be apparent today. If one proceeds instead on the assumption that the quantity of wood needed would not have been available locally, then it would have had to be brought in from elsewhere, for example in the form of large fire logs, in rail wagons. If one performs the corresponding calculations for this scenario, then a freight train of 63 cars of 30 metric tons each would have had to be unloaded in the camp every day - a total of 185 freight trains. In the end the total length of the trains would have reached 116 km, or 72 miles. This begs the question: where are the pertinent Reichsbahn (German Railway) documents about these enormous wood transports? The authorities and offices in question would hardly have dispensed with payment and not submitted their accounts. Regarding the claim that the 875,000 corpses were eliminated completely with out any trace, we must consider the quantities of ashes that remain. The quantities of wood ashes are considerable, and vary with the type of wood. We shall postulate the low value of 6.6 lbs. per ton of dry wood.112 The wood ashes remaining would then have weighed approximately 1,000 metric tons; the equivalent of the payload of 100 10-ton trucks. The ash content of a human body makes up about 5.6% of the body’s weight;114 given a 132 lb. body, this comes to 7.3 lbs. The ashes from the 875,000 burned bodies would thus have weighed 6,387,500 lbs. The total quantity of ashes - wood ashes plus human ashes - would therefore have weighed almost 4,000 metric tons, or 8.6 million pounds, all of which (according to the witnesses) were then mixed with the soil and thrown back into the pits.115 Even if this quantity of ash had been mixed with the roughly 3.53 million cubic feet of soil excavated from the burial pits, it would be easy to find evidence for human remains of the quantity alleged by the witnesses.

It must also be noted that in the incineration of corpses under the conditions specified by the witnesses, the bones would not have turned to ash, but would have remained as bones. The witnesses have described how the skeletal remains of the corpses were broken up, and screened and sifted over and over again to ensure that no evidence would remain. Given the primitive equipment described by the witnesses - wooden rollers and thin sheets of metal for crushing the bones - it might have been possible for a man to break up and sift two skeletons per hour in the manner specified. Thus, if one Jewish laborer had pulverized 20 skeletons per day, 240 Jewish laborers would have been needed for this task alone. Adding up the required personnel - 5,600 Jewish laborers for obtaining the wood, 240 for pulverizing the bones, and 150 to stoke the fire sites - fully 6,000 Jewish workers were needed to complete all the required tasks in a solid seven-day work week. Additionally, further hundreds of Jewish workers would have been needed to carry out various other tasks reported by witnesses: excavating and filling trenches, camouflage activities, sorting the valuables of the murdered Jews, cutting the hair and extracting the gold teeth of the victims, rendering services to the SS, administration, rations and supplies for the camp, etc. There would also have to have been reserve labor standing by at all times. Thus the camp would have had to have a permanent workforce of at least 8,000. This number stands in glaring contrast to the mere 700 Jewish laborers attested to for Treblinka.116 And finally, we must note that the teeth of the supposed victims could not have been destroyed by the primitive methods attested to.117 Even if each of the alleged victims had only 20 of the usual 32 teeth left at the time he or she died, there would have been at least 17.5 million teeth to be disposed of at Treblinka. This means that we should still be able to find some 5 teeth per cubic foot of the 3.53 million cu.ft. of material excavated at the alleged site of the crime. All these calculations are based on the number of victims (875,000) specified by the Jerusalem court. If, on the other hand, one were to postulate the 3 million Treblinka victims alleged by Grossmann and others, then the data ascertained in the previous must be multiplied by a factor of 3.5, meaning: 6,650 metric tons of wood daily to cremate the corpses; a total of approximately 1,200,000 tons of firewood, i.e., almost two million trees, for whose transport trains totaling about 252 miles would have been required. The area of the forest thus required amounts to 9 square miles. There would have been roughly 13,700 tons of ashes to hide, containing at least 60 million teeth. And where on earth were the 20,000 Jewish laborers needed to do all the work involved?

Corpses that self-ignite and burn without fuel are extremely rare in nature, one in twenty gazillion corpses.

Cremation facts for the Auschwitz camps

There were 52 total crematories in the two main camps....Around 40 were operating at the time so my figures have to be based on that. They probably operated 12 hrs per day they can't be run 24 hrs. The life of a crematory is 2000-3000 bodies until it has to be rebuilt. There were NO crematories that were rebuilt in th Auschwitz camp. So using the high figure of 3000 bodies for usefulness....there couldn't have been no more than 150,000 bodies cremated in the camps. The Jews claim officially around 4000+ were cremated per day. Complete nonsense! On a good day they might have cremated 500-800 bodies, again all depending on actual time it took to cremate one body and how long the crematory was working. It's hard to get exact figures for any of this stuff.

This appears to be the transcript of an inquiring person questioning an AI Chatbot about historical matters. Step by step the person asks Chatbot for factual answers to probing questions. The answers are essentially numeric calculations based on known data for bodily cremation rates, historic architecture, (alleged) demographics, and (alleged) historical narratives.

Only one conclusion may be derived from this conversation: Chatbot is Antisemitic! Chatbot is a Holocaust Denier! Reprogram Chatbot!

However, I have some problems with the math. If it takes 2 hours to cremate one body, then it takes 2.2 million hours to cremate 1.1 million bodies. How many hours are in 78 years? 78 x 365 x 24 = 683,280. That's more than 3 times short of 2.2 million hours. So we have to multiply 78 years by 3.22 to know the number of years for 4 crematoria working 24/365 to cremate 1.1 million bodies. That's over 250 years.

Was Chatbot wrong? Inconceivable. Was it trying to be kind and soften the distress of holocaust promoters and believers? Not likely. Chatbots do not have such emotions, only artificial displays of emotion. It's more likely this entire transcript is fabricated by human agency only.

I originally saw this conversation on The Realist Report Telegram site. It came there from the Fashposting Telegram site (5500 subscribers). Fashposting states:

"Disclaimer: To any federal and/or law enforcement agencies reading this: every post on this channel is purely satirical. In no way is any post meant to incite violence. This channel does not condone violence or criminal activity of any kind."

Perhaps this Chabot convo is purely satirical. Nevertheless it makes a good point. Too bad it gets the math wrong by a factor of 3. Accuracy would have been it its favor in two ways, credibility and incredulity.

Jewish Virtual Library may be smarter than Chatbot. It states: "According to calculations by the German authorities, 340 corpses could be burned every 24 hours after the installation of the three furnaces." Math: 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes. 340/1440 = .25 bodies/minute (approx.) That is one corpse every 4 minutes. And this was only for 3 years August 15, 1940 until July 1943. This was in Crematorium 1 only.

JVL states: "The SS used Zyklon B to kill thousands of Jews upon arrival..." This is far too vague. If Crematorium 1 operated 24/365 for about 3 years, 365 x 3 =1000 days approx. 1000 x 24 x 60 =1.44 million minutes. 1.44 million minutes to cremate bodies at a rate of 4 minutes/body = 360,000 bodies! Why didn't JVL say so, instead of a vague "thousands of Jews?" It probably didn't bother to do the math.

For Crematorium 2, JVL states: "Several hundred thousand Jewish men, women and children were murdered here with poison gas, and their bodies burned. The bodies of Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners who died in the concentration camp were also burned here. According to calculations by the German authorities, 1,440 corpses could be burned in this crematorium every 24 hours. According to the testimony of former prisoners, the figure was higher."

Testimony of former prisoners is worthless, so let's get real.

Math again: Convert 24 hours to minutes. 24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes. With 1440 bodies every 1440 minutes, this math is easy! It took 1 minute to cremate each body. LOL! Those clever Germans has some kind of flash-frying technology. Chatbot was off by a factor of 120.

So how many years to cremate "several hundred thousand" (let's be generous at 300,000) bodies in Crematorium 2? Answer: 300,000 minutes! 300,000/60/24 = 208 days. Less than 7 months. Here Chatbot underestimated the pace of cremation by around 150 times! That's using Chatbot's falsely lower number of 78 years. If we use the accurate number of 250 years, Chatbot was off by a factor of 483.

Somebody is lying here. Jewish Virtual Library most likely started with a goal of 1 body per minute, and calculated backward. Pernicious war propaganda and atrocity stories demonizing evil Germans with bad math. Chatbot is most likely a living human being writing up a fictitious conversation and getting the math wrong in the opposite direction, underestimating the years it would take to cremate so many bodies.

Verdict: Chatbot wins, more than even it realizes.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com